My Little Pony Cupcakes

I made these very simple cupcakes for a baby shower and I think they are so cute! First time I’ve used rice paper and I really think they look cute. Only thing I fell on was that the buttercream icing dried so quickly, I had to use more to stick them on!


Here are the cupcakes I made before the Pony pictures were put on. They are a mix of chocolate and vanilla cakes and with white, purple and pink icing.

20130215_204917 20130215_204841And now with the rice paper attached to this!

20130215_211255And I thought I would just put a little picture of what the finished product looked like!! 🙂


Cake Batter Cupcakes

My good friend is absolutely obsessed with cake batter and is always asking me to give her just the cake batter. Now I’m not very into that because of the raw egg so instead I make these babies that have absolutely no egg in the icing but still taste exactly like cake batter.

I’ve never been so loved by my friends then after giving them these treats!!


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